Wednesday, February 17, 2010

UK Gov nationalises orphans and bans non-consensual photography in public | Copyright Action

Governments run amok. People wake up one morning and find that the Government not only tells you what you can and cannot do, it starts to take things away from you far beyond the condiscatory taxation. It tells you what you can and cannot own... even if you make it yourself.

Thanks, UK ASSWIPE Government... one again you have shown an inability to quench the thirst for power. How'd it work out for you in previous outings? Expect the same.

I would recommend an international boycott of photographers going and shooting in England, but it wouldn't do any good... photographers have been sticking their arses in the air for decades... one more time and they lose it all. Sad, really.
UK Gov nationalises orphans and bans non-consensual photography in public | Copyright Action:

"Copyright in photos is essentially going to cease to exist, since there is no ineradicable way of associating ownership details short of plastering your name right across the image. Photographer's organisations have pressed hard for mandatory attribution to deter orphans being manufactured. Early in the consultation process the IPO accepted the irresistible logic that it was completely unreasonable to permit orphan use without a balancing requirement to not orphan photos in the first place. However, the IPO recognised with dismay that this would mean 'taking on Rupert' (Murdoch).

Publishers have a long history of opposing our moral rights. They were responsible for the feeble and unenforceable moral rights clauses in the 1988 Act. They want their branding, not ours, and they want maximum freedom to exploit our IP at minimum cost and inconvenience."

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