Sunday, January 09, 2005

Great Example of Mixing Niches

I love figure skating. My middle daughter is quite accomplished with a wall full of trophies and a fantastic double axle... whatever that is. She jumps really high and spins around. Wonderful to watch.

Just finished watching a special on TV... Kenny Loggins on Ice. No, the veteran rockster doesn't skate around the ice, he does what he does best. And he has wonderful professional skaters performing on the ice in front of the stage. It was fantastic skating with wonderful live music... yep, live, no danger of acid reflux or crappy mic's derailing this performance.

Skating aficionados who may not be familiar with Kenny Loggins (who sells CD's full of music) got to hear a really nice set while watching their favorite skaters. Loggins aficionados got to see some really great skating while listening to their favorite rockster. Skating may have gotten more fans and Loggins could have a good day of sales tomorrow.

Mixed niches. Cross marketing. Fantastic.

I am sure this isn't the first of these cross marketed items, but it was very successful to me, a fan of both. I am working with a client now that needs to reinvent their service industry. We will begin brainstorming a cross market viability Monday afternoon. I already have ideas... and it doesn't concern ice skating. Or Mr Loggins.

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