Saturday, March 19, 2005

Advertising Agencies should be Ashamed...

...when they do stuff like this. Can you imagine how this was sold to the folks at American? Talk about stupid. And the marketing folks at American should be facing a review panel on wasted dollars.

Sample questions:

  • What research did you use that would indicate a bus sign on that street would reach folks wanting to choose an airline to take them to Tokyo?
  • On what research/demographics do you base Bus Stop ads featuring non-stop flights to exotic locations?
  • What increases in Tokyo flights have been noted since this placement?
  • Compared to placing the same message in places where interest in flying to Tokyo is actually on the minds of the viewers, what is the cost-benefit of placing it on this street - at a bus stop?
  • Which of you morons really thought this was a good idea?

I think advertising is in real trouble and this kind of mindless waste just proves me right. (thanks Seth, good catch)

Seth's Blog: Pre-bankruptcy marketing: "Let's say you run an airline with a horrible cost structure and you're facing bankruptcy on an almost daily basis."

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