Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Extreme Home Makeover was Fun

"How'd They Do That?"

Well, it aired last night. Funny how a full week of work was synthesized into a 45 second spot, but they did a good job of it. We were shown shooting Carly Patterson, talking about the project challenges, working over at Mighty Digital and finally the installation with Ty. David Smith was shown shooting Carly and Daniel was featured in the "Photoshop Magic" part of the show. I was chosen as 'spokesperson' for the team.

All in all, I belive the spot ran a little over a minute. My kids were excited and my wife commented that my 'potbelly' made me look friendly. I know that the folks of ABC, the producers and talent, made us feel very comfortable and were genuinely nice people. They work really hard and we never saw a glint of "I'm a Star" attitude. Paige really is a fantastic carpenter and even though her tool belt is pink, she knows her way around power tools.

Four things I know for sure from this experience...

  1. The world of TV is still too much 'hurry up and wait' for me
  2. If I was to work on a TV show, this is the type of show I would like to be a part of
  3. Ty is really as crazy funny off camera as on. The young man is living his dream and enjoying every single moment of it
  4. Personally I think I have a great face for radio work

      Please visit the Velocity 3 site to see more information and photographs of the day we shot Carly.

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