Saturday, March 12, 2005

They do, well... stuff

You gotta take a few moments to see this site. What is it for? I have no idea, but I laughed my a** off. I actually know people like this. You do too. Unfortunate for both of us, but even more for clients who fall for this crap after it was hidden under layers of 'market speak'.

My favorite thing is the use of lame 'stock photos'. It is a subtle gag, but very effective.

We do stuff.: "Our name will confuse you, but, you have to admit, the logo design is pretty cool. And we're good at turning regular words into 'e-words,' such as 'e-consulting,' 'e-business' or 'e-sexual harassment.'

Our office is really modern and we've got nice computers and stuff. If you ever saw it, you'd say 'Wow, cool office. These guys are legit.'"

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