Monday, April 18, 2005

Great Marketers Market Great... and Provide Results

Can you show your clients a measurable component to the use of your photography or design? What if we could somehow quantify the difference between using a RF image instead of custom shot and processed? What would the increased customer involvement be if the design was a notch or two above what is currently being rpoduced? Would the site actually deliver clients (or at least prospects) if it was designed differently?

I think all of these things can be done. I know there are quantifiable measurements that I share with my clients on a regular basis. How much longer can we keep someone on a website is directly linked to navigation and content. RF images are a steal... until they are used by a competitor or a sexual dysfunction product.

Be creative and think about this point. Drive it home with your clients. The fact that you will undertake the attempt will put you above the crowd.

ANA Marketing Musings: Great Marketers Market Great: "5. Measurements and Metrics. Perhaps the most profound change in marketers’ behavior is the intensified focus on measurements and metrics. Driven by the old adage, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure,” marketers are seeking greater precision in assessing the outcomes of their actions, as well as deeper knowledge of alternative communications disciplines. Indeed, the desire to transform marketing into a “science” is one of today’s hottest trends"

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