Saturday, April 16, 2005

Think Brand / Brand Think

When you take your customers, clients and prospects for granted things can get dicey for your brand (Harley Davidson, American Airlines...). It is imperative to stay focused on what makes you excellent, why people want to use you and why you provide the best solution. This brief article is worth a look or two.

Personally I don't have an attachment to the concept of brand. I prefer to speak of the 'story' of the product. The 'hook', so to speak, of the experience of the service. They are more powerful than 'Brand' these days. Ask Mercedes... What happened to their story? | Building Brand Loyalty | Examples in Automotive and Fashion Brands | brand | brands | branding: "To my mind, the problem is not that customers have ceased to be loyal to particular brands but, rather, that companies and brand directors have betrayed their brand promises. Why should a brand command the same recognition and appeal when its quality has been diluted and its founding values scrapped?"

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