Sunday, August 07, 2005

A Study...

... in marketing.

A press release noting the creation of a blog. Yep. For a wedding photographer. Yep. got picked up. Yep. Nationally. Yep.

The headline was pulled from the initial block which was repeated in the body of the release (as printed). Yep.

Hmmmmmm.... Do you think it is time to get serious about this blogging stuff and try to implement something into your overall strategy? You do have a strategy, right?


Business News : Stagi Imagery Blog Released to Showcase Their Award Winning Wedding Photography; Get an Inside Look into the Wedding Photography Industry "Stagi Imagery - Award winning wedding photography has released a blog to showcase their wedding photography. The Stagi Imagery blog was created to show the latest and greatest products in the wedding photography industry."

1 comment:

Mark Stagi said...

Hi Don,

Thanks for using me as a study. The internet and blogs can be a great way to get yourself in front of people years ago you didn't have the abilty to reach. For photographers blogs can be a great tool since we are all visual artists it gives us the ability to share our vision with others.

-- Mark
Fine Art Wedding Photography Blog

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