Friday, August 05, 2005

Unbelievable... but yet true

So I post about a spammer getting murdered, and I get this comment (see the post below). It is a spammer commenting with a link to a stupid mortgage site. GEEEEEEEZ....
S'cuse me - I got a hammer around here somewhere....
qoute the spammer...
Spammer Sote Filpo said...
read your blog, think you'd be really interested in this website
unqoute the spammer
So what do you think the chances are that I will buy from this site? Why would anyone? Who does this kind of, what... marketing?

Hey... maybe I will call them and let them know how overjoyed I was to get this message cause I never get any messages wanting to sell me mortgage. What a clever marketing idea... sending unsolicited comments on my blog. Then I will call them every 10 minutes for an hour. Make some appointments with their agents... you know, late at night, far north Scottsdale... that kinda thing.

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