Sunday, August 07, 2005

What's that old saying?

Find a need and fill it. How many of us have grumbled about images that are standard for delivery today (8.5 x 11, 8x12, 13x19...) but not in frames? This guy is filling that need, and doing it well.

Of course, this is good for all of us and I have already ordered a few frames for my home. But it also says something about an established industry.

Walk the rows of frames at Target, Walmart, Pottery Barn... no 13x19's - no 8x12's.... well, very few, that is, if any at all. Certainly no selection. And yet these sizes are very popular and represent the full-frame digital image on many, if not most, digital cameras.

Have the frame manufacturers been blind to the trend? Do they not know what is happening in the industry they support in order to exist? Do any frame company owners have a digital camera? Do they care? Are they just flat out addicted to the thrill of cropping to a 5x7 instead of leaving the damn thing alone at 6x9? I hope they are watching this upstart as he begins to chisle a niche out of their business.

My gut tells me that within a few months we will start to see some new sizes slowly emerge from within this slow moving industry. But that may come as a reaction to competition and not as a need to be part of their customers experience. When you are truly delivering to your clients, you lead, not follow.
Frame Destination, Inc. Fills Void in Photography with Elegant Frames in Non-Standard Sizes: "Armed with the research and know-how to produce new types of advanced frames, Rogers opened Frame Destination, Inc. in April of 2004. Starting out in a modest brick-and-mortar warehouse location, the website,, was launched to meet the ever-growing need for museum and archival-quality frames in non-standard sizes. Frame Destination, Inc., primarily a web-based company, has already grown out of its first home and moved into a new building where customers can shop in the convenient showroom."

1 comment:

Mark Rogers said...

I doubt the framing industry will ever completely wake up. Look how long they have been stuffing an 11x14 image into a 16x20 frame with un-even borders. Regardless, I am no longer worried about other companies catching on to my idea. I sell plenty of standard frame sizes just like everyone else. The real shortage in the market is not a particular size. It is good customer service and a quality product.

Thanks for the mention, and the business!


Mark Rogers
President of Frame Destination, Inc.