Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Gonna have to look into these things

You know, for a guy that loves music as much as I do, you would think I would have an IPod or something similar. Nope... not yet. My kids do. My wife and I still carry around the big 'ol CD players, having not nearly enough time for putting together all of the music we want to listen to. IPods seem a bit hypy to me, and I have always had great luck with Dell. Who knows, 20GIGs of music!? That would be awesome.

I just got a tool that will allow me to record my vast vinyl library on to CD, so I may need 20GIGs soon. Three of my most cherished albums have never been re-released on CD and I miss the music desperately. I am holding off playing them until I can record them on to a digital media.

Some of my most loved items are old-tech. My 8x10 Deardorff, Nikon F3, F2, Nikkor 180mm 2.8 lens, my Rogers Londoner drum set and a wonderful old Tenor Sax that has the most mellow tone... all old tech. All still perform flawlessly.

And I will continue to use them even as I continue to explore the newest of the technology. To me, it's the continuity of the experience that makes it so fun to work. Always keeping in mind that the results are not necessarily contingent upon the tools.

Oh, and I still think that Freehand 3.0 was one of the most awesome software programs ever released.

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