Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Peter Sealeys Ten Trends

They wouldn't all be my Top Ten... but he hits some solid points here. This is a long article, and full of well-researched information. This is the kind of meta-change that moves through our world, leaving confusion for those who don't understand it and success for those who do.

Read the whole thing and make notes.

iMedia Connection: Peter Sealeys Ten Trends: "The big issue we face here is that it is extraordinarily difficult to get a company to destroy its present business model. But, it simply has to happen, and the reason that it has to happen breaks down into my --

Ten Trends that are going to change our professional and personal lives

1. Three Mega-Trends -- bandwidth, the cost of storage and processing power
2. Three Media Sub-Trends -- media is becoming digital, personal, and controllable
3. A revolution in the motion picture, television, and recorded music industries
4. IPTV: Internet Protocol Television
5. Performance based marketing
6. The demise of ad-supported TV
7. The rise of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
8. New and accurate ratings system
9. Ad-ID and RFID
10. A Marketing Renaissance

Each of these ten trends is already here in one form or another. They are not fully developed, but they are here and they are going to change the world."

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