Friday, November 18, 2005

Comments are on hiatus - Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)

I agree with their decision. Comments just seem to bring out wierd negatives. I have a Flickr page, and recently I have this guy coming on and posting the most inane comments, like some sort of lame-ass print exhibition. He feels totally compelled to make negative comments. Look, it doesn't bother me, cause I took a moment to look at his images and realized that he has his own issues, but it does get tiresome. Negativity is a very, very powerful force. Keep it to a minimum in your life and you will be so much happier.

I would turn the comments off on Flickr, but it doesn't seem to be an option. I don't post for comments, I post to share and show.
Comments are on hiatus - Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals): "For the past few months we’ve been pretty disappointed by the noise. The readership on this blog has grown five fold in just the past year or so. It would be great if the quality of the comments and perspectives increased as our readership increased, but instead comments quickly fly off topic. Mud flinging is the norm, not the exception. An occasional cynical comment is good (and welcome!), but when 75% turn negative then it’s just no longer fun. We think that’s a shame and, frankly, we’re tired of the negative energy filling up the threads."

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