Tuesday, November 08, 2005

... Effective Search Engine Optimization

Daniel and I are "White Hat" SEO folks. We do not look for 'cheats' and gimmicks for achieving higher rankings for our client's sites. We know that a Search Engine friendly page will achieve more than a 'tricked-out' site trying to ply higher rankings through gimmicks.

We have caught some heat recently from folks who just love Flash, and want us to design our pages in Flash. We love Flash too, in it's place. But totally Flash sites do not index well. And we are deeply rooted in the position that the web is not a magazine, so static web pages (which is what the SE sees) don't fit our view of the web.

Some designers believe that adding a meta tag or a page name will do the job. Nope. Not possible. This well written article tells why good design, good strategy and pages that are accessible increase the sites ranking and visibility.

We think that being found in the billions or web pages that are out there is important. More important than logos that bounce or sliding portfolio pages... ya know.

A List Apart: Articles: High Accessibility Is Effective Search Engine Optimization: "Not only are search engines unable to understand image and movie files, they also cannot interpret any textual content that is based on vision (such as ASCII art). alt and longdesc attributes will, therefore, help them understand the subject of any such content.

Search engines are also “deaf” in reference to audio files. Again, providing textual descriptions to these files allows search engines to better interpret and rank the content that they cannot “hear.”"

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