Monday, November 14, 2005

Why There is no VIAO in my Future

These guys have gotten way out of control. Time to do some legal bitch-slappin'. And I mean soon. Wanna piss me off... just open a browser window to 100%, don't give me resize ability and I go ballistic. Put crap on my computer and I get really really - uhhh- irritated. The music industry is their own worst enemy. Sony has lost me as a client. I will seriously look for alternatives to their products. (And I will no longer covet that really cool Sony 8MP camera I blogged about a while ago. It aint cool anymore.)

Globetechnology: Sony's uninstall tool worse than the problem: "The uninstall tool posted by Sony BMG to get rid of its controversial digital-rights management software is worse than the original software, a security company says.

Computer Associates, maker of eTrust PestPatrol anti-spyware software, says that the technological protection measure (TPM) uninstall routine itself can be classified as spyware."
Update: Mac users not immune.
Sony BMG's "rootkit" copy protection technology may affect Macs -- and the software can also be exploited by malicious hackers, reports claim.

MacInTouch reports claims by a reader who recently purchased a Sony BMG CD. The reader found that the CD installs a Mac application, "" which itself installs two files: PhoenixNub1.kext and PhoenixNub12.kext.

This is not the same software as is currently causing such a furor against Sony BMG. The Register claims: "It's a Mac version of SunnComm's DRM software, MediaMax, which Sony BMG uses to copy-protect a range of CDs."

Sony BMG faces consumer backlash.
Good grief. They fight piracy with fraud, piracy, invasion of privacy, digital intrusion, breaking and entering and theft of information. Yeah, that's a real good idea. Jerks.

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