Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Yeah... sometimes I'm just exhausted from, you know, focusing.

...ooops - wait a minute, I gots them dang new autofocus camrees. So what does this thing do again? Oh yeah, the adjustment between the lens and subject and sensor, formerly referred to as "focusing" has always been a stress inducer. Soon, we will have software that helps with other tiresome problems, like discovering a subject, choosing the moment to snap, and my favorite, cleaning up the studio after a shoot. Sheesh.
Wired News: Say Sayonara to Blurry Pics: "The student, Ren Ng, ran out of patience with taking pictures the traditional way -- adjusting the distance between the camera lens and sensor or film before snapping each shot. So he created something that far surpasses Photoshop. A photograph can be modified after the fact even if nothing is in focus, he said."

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