Wednesday, December 07, 2005

from Seth's Blog

This is a succint and right to it post. Living or just breathing. Producing or just doing what is expected. Going for excellence or just enough to get by. I love the former and hate it when I sometimes end up in the latter category for whatever reason. Try to break free and stay on top. Ya know.
Seth's Blog: "The job you do, apparently, has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not you have the mindset of a producer. I've been called by talented salespeople who are clearly producers... and by failures who were just following a script. I've worked with people who always manage to make something happen... and with those who manage to have an excuse ready when it doesn't.

Producing is not about making someting. It's about making something other people thought couldn't be done--or were too distracted to do themselves."

1 comment:

Nathaniel said...

Good words. Takes innovation, entrepreneurship, and good ol' plain hard work. The rewards are worth it though.