Monday, January 23, 2006

At Seth's Blog: Fear and Creativity

Seth makes the statement that enemy of creativity is fear. I agree to a point. I think the main enemy of creativity is inaction. Inaction can be caused by fear, of course. But it can also be caused by comfort. The stupid "If it aint broken, don't fix it" mentality. Can you tell me of any breakthrough technology or system or music or whatever that was created by that credo? Nope.

Creativity can only happen with action. Fear can sometimes create a situation where action is the only alternative. Whether the person understands that motivation and acts on it is usually a case by case situation. Some do, and some fold into fetal position. But the only way out of the fetal position is taking action.

Action is the antidote to fear and the parent of creativity. Take action and break something.
Seth's Blog: Fear and Creativity: "The enemy of creativity is fear.

The enemy of fear, in the short run anyway, is not creativity. It's the fetal position."

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