Sunday, January 15, 2006

If you aren't reading Guy Kawasaki...

... you should be. This is a funny, insightful and poignant list of things I wish I had heard back in '67. I don't remember our graduation speaker, but I do remember thinking that most of what I was hearing that hot June night was pure bullshit.

Turned out I was right.
Let the Good Times Roll by Guy Kawasaki: Hindsights: "Let me tell you, it was hard. Very hard. Every step of the process was hard: figuring out who to interview, getting the interviews, doing the interviews, and editing the interviews. It was much harder than writing a book where you just sit there and make things up. :-)

I also wrote a speech based on the book, and I have given it six times at commencements, graduations and baccalaureates: Palo Alto High (three times), DeAnza College, High Tech High, and Harker School. Giving these speeches brought me some of the greatest moments of joy in my life. And, unlike the Kurt Vonnegut hoax, these were for real.

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