Wednesday, January 11, 2006

We're not there yet, Bill

I am needing another computer for home. I have a mac G4 here and a PC. I have been considering and now I am leaning more toward another mac. I have been an evangelist for mac in the past, then got somewhat disillusioned with company policies and the way the mac was going. I still think that mac should be more open, web-centric and such, I am probably going to get a G5 or Powerbook 17". After getting adware, malware and more for the last 2 months, I am literally sick of it.
Microsoft vs. Computer Security - Why the software giant still can't get it right. By Adam L. Penenberg: "Four years ago, Bill Gates dispatched a companywide e-mail promising that security and privacy would be Microsoft's top priorities. Gates urged that new design approaches must 'dramatically reduce' the number of security-related issues as well as make fixes easier to administer. 'Eventually,' he added, 'our software should be so fundamentally secure that customers never even worry about it.'"

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