Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"The New Era

...doesn't have to be a zero sum game." I love that line. Too much negativity and ludditology and status quo worshipping going on out there. This is a bold move that will prove to be the start of a trembling in the publishing world. Content provided with advertising... what an incredible, earth shattering idea. (What about television, magazines and radio? - ed)

(crickets in the mist)

Oh yeah... there's always that.
Publisher to Offer Book Content Online - Yahoo! News: "NEW YORK - At a time when publishers are suing to prevent Google from putting excerpts of copyrighted books online, HarperCollins has started an advertiser-supported program that will offer a free look at the full text of selected works.

The Harper program, announced Monday, is being launched with Bruce Judson's 'Go It Alone! The Secret to Building a Successful Business on Your Own.' The book was published in hardcover at the end of 2004, and recently came out as a paperback. Anyone who wants to read the whole text can visit the author's Web site, http://www.BruceJudson.com.

'We hope this pilot will demonstrate a win-win for publishers, authors and search engines. The new era does not need to be a zero sum game,' HarperCollins CEO Jane Friedman said Monday in a statement."

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