Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Things to consider

Recently having one of my "Good Grief - he's off on a roll on that synergistic-blog-web thing" discussions about this same thing. My friends know I can get a little over the top on some things I truly believe in, but I really think there is power out there for getting photographers and designers more work through gaining more interest. Guy Kawasaki has been blogging for a month. He has doubled to tripled the visits to his website. His book has climbed over a thousand places in book sales at Amazon. In a month.

So. Go ahead. Tell me that you have too little time (Two hours a week? Really?). Explain how doing a blog wont help get you more hits, visits, impressions, visitors, possible clients, ... argh!

Maybe I'm a little grumpy, but this is such a no-brainer.
Let the Good Times Roll--by Guy Kawasaki: Total BS (Blog Statistics):
"8. Traffic to my web site,, increased from about 400 page views/day to 800-1,200 page views/day.
9. My Amazon sales rank for The Art of the Start (go ahead, I dare you to click on this link) hovered between #1,500 and #2,000 prior to the start of my blog. Currently, the sales rank hovers between #500 and #750."

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