Saturday, March 04, 2006

Every once in a while

we are reminded how incredibly resourceful, powerful and indeed heroic the people of this country are. The politicians got it wrong, the media got it way wrong and the people took control and got it done. Yeah, it aint a 'marketing or photography' piece, but it does remind us that not everything we hear on Leno or read in the NYT is necessarily accurate. Or even close.

Katrina: What went right: "By Wednesday, August 31, as the media screamed for troops to deal with the over-hyped breakdown in public order, more than 100 helicopters were flying rescue missions. Air traffic was so heavy that one pilot said the city looked like a hornets’ nest. Another, flying at night, compared helicopter ops to swarming fireflies. By the end of the week, crews had virtually run out of victims, and were shifting operations to dropping sandbags, evacuating the city, and assisting door-to-door searches by boat crews. "

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