Friday, April 21, 2006

This saddens me...

Maybe it is my age, or the fact that I shot film for over 35 years... or maybe it is a deep seated concern that we bailed from film too fast. Going digital was fun, still is. But we will turn around one day and the film cameras will be gone. With that a lot of tradition, and frankly some incredible cameras. I love my RB's and RZ... now they will sit with my high-end cassette recorder, my top-of-the-line turntable and my beloved F3.
"Ch-ch-ch-changes..." Hat Tip: Kevin.
Mamiya bailing on camera biz - Engadget: "It looks like another venerable Japanese camera company is about to exit the business, just weeks after Konica Minolta produced its last camera. According to reports out of Japan (which we've confirmed with our Japanese bureau), Mamiya, best known for its high-end pro equipment, will be selling off its film and digital camera business to focus on other sectors."

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