Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Why I fear "Status Quo" thinking

Over at Organized Individualists, Kevin caught my eye with this tasty little nugget. Not a good taste, but so rich in its total meaning.

As I talk with photographers, I keep hearing the same thing... the business is being killed by (... fill in the blank ...). We need to stop (... fill in the blank ...) cause they are tearing down the pricing and such. I am afraid the battle cry seems to be "we like it the way it was, let's go back!" This is followed by a "we need more legislation to protect us" cry.

This little article says a lot to that kind of thinking.
TIME.com Print Page: TIME Magazine -- Liberty, Equality, Mediocrity: "Against precariousness? The vibrancy of a society can almost be measured by its precariousness. Free markets correlate not just with prosperity and wealth but also with dynamism. The classic example is China today, an economic and social Wild West with entire classes, regions, families and individuals rising and falling in ways that must terrify today's young demonstrators in Paris. In France not a single enterprise founded in the past 40 years has managed to break into the ranks of the nation's 25 biggest companies."

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