Friday, May 12, 2006

So I have to cut down to only 2?

Maybe that will help. Currently working with 3-4 browser windows open. Hmmmm... yeah.
Personal Productivity Blog : Training Yourself to Work at Home - ( Small Business Blog Center ): "Problem: Too much time spent surfing.

Solution: Try two browsers. My friend is an avid internet user and finds watching videos on YouTube far more addictive than preparing an expense report. He needs to use the internet for research and communication, but every time he opens up his browser, he heads to his favorite fun sites instead. I suggested that he use two different browsers. He uses Firefox normally, so he should keep that one for personal surfing. He should then use Internet Explorer for his business surfing. His business browser won’t have any of the bookmarks that his personal browser will, so he won’t be as tempted. By separating the two uses, he can more easily discipline himself to work when he needs to work and play when he has the time. It’s not foolproof, but you need some self discipline to work at home. This just decreases how much you need."

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