Thursday, June 01, 2006


I believe that the most important part of any company is their customer service, and how they treat their customers. Jet Blue is just an airline, but their customers love them... because of the certaintly of being treated well.

Today I called a local high school to enroll my daughter in a summer school class. The lady on the other end of the phone informed me that there were 'tons' of spaces open, but to come in as soon as possible. I grabbed my phone and was out the door. I arrived at the school less than 15 minutes later. The Algebra 2 class was closed. Had been for a week. The lady I spoke with didn't really work in the summer school area, she had casually picked up the phone and was, well, wrong.

The receptionist quickly wrote a number to another school, 8 miles away, that she was sure had spots available. I went to the car and called the wife to make sure that the additional drive was ok. I dialed the number that lady had written down. No answer.

I continued to drive toward the school, with no answer at the number I was given. Finally call directory service, get another number. When the receptionist answers, I am informed that she cannot transfer the call to the "summer school' administration area because those phones were not linked to her phones. I took the number she gave me and then asked if the number I had was a different line in. The number the other receptionist had given me had been removed - last year.

I called the new number and explained that my daughter was an out-of-district student and what would I need to get her registered. Just the address, was what I was told.


I arrive at the school and go into the summer school area where I am handed a form to fill out. Cool, and then I give it back to the young lady who then tells me I have to have a counselor sign it. I told her that I had just spoken to her and she had told me that all I needed was our address. "Yes," she said, "that's all you need. And the signature from one of her counselors."

I drive the 12 miles back to the local school by our house and they kindly sign it. There is a little area on the form that indicates that the cost for the class is $135. "Please pay at the bookstore."

That's what it said.

I go to the bookstore and they inform me that they only take checks and cash, no debit / cc. That would have been an easy add to the form, you know. The lady looks at me and says, ahem, "We don tek no plastic. Cash or check is what we take. You no pay credit." She tell me that there is a bank right down the road. I tell her I will be right back and she says "fine."

After going to the bank I arrive back to the school, walk all the way to the back where the bookstore is and find the note you know would be there. "We are in lunch. Bak in 25 minutes."

They actually arrived 3 minutes early from lunch and we went in and paid for the class.

How can they get away with this level of unbelievably bad customer service? Government schools... no competition? An attitude of arrogance and entitlement? Absolutely no buy-in from staff for customer satisfaction? Mebbee a little of all the above?

Look at your business and at the way little things get handled. Are they smooth and seamless or as big a freekin' disaster as simply enrolling your kid in one summer school class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey dad. ridiculous, isn't it? but why would they need to improve? as you said, no competition. what would compell them to improve? most of them are mothers of students who have no experience in a real job setting, and work at the school (summer school, bookstore, front desk) because they are bored.

their pay is flat, customer (?) satisfaction is not something they even think of. they're like little robots.
