Thursday, June 29, 2006

Create an Impression at Seth's Blog

I love this post. I believe that what you wear telegraphs messages that are received loud and clear. It is one of the ways we can set ourselves apart from everyone else. My expartner and I were once mercilessly teased because we showed up for a 100K contract pitch in coats and ties. The entrepreneurs were all dressed in jeans and t-shirts. Fine, but I still think we were right. (got the job BTW). They eventually ran the company into the ground and the last time I saw them they were wearing suits and trying to rebuild the company into a viable business.

What you wear can make all the difference in the world as to how people treat you.

Here's a couple of blogs I like.
Top 10 Resources (mens fashions)
Arrogant Menswear Blog
English Cut
Seth's Blog: My seersucker suit: "It totally transformed the way people treated me. Doormen, people on the subway... in an increasingly casual age, I was sort of stunned by how easily a $99 suit changed the reaction people had."

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