I recently discovered the
Strobist and found it to be one of the best written, well done blogs on the web. This
older post is an exceptional look into the current state of photography. Whether you feel that the business is under attack and failing because of it or, as I do, that the business is simply changing and undergoing a metamophosis that will eventually lead to a new and still exciting career, you will find an incredible amount of things to think about. It is definitely worth taking the time to read it... and all of the thoughtful comments that follow. (If you are used to the drivel that passes for comments on most blogs or Digg, this will be a definite eye opener.)
As a staff shooter for a metro daily paper, I am lucky enough to make a comfortable, if not stellar, income doing what I love. But as I look around, I see that my ranks are thinning fast. And the long-term prospects for my profession do not look very promising for those who are entering it today.
About a month ago I got an e-mail from a friend of mine, John Strohsacker. He's a Baltimore-based lacrosse photographer who happens to have a background in business.
We had several e-mail exchanges and talked both on the phone and at various assignments. The gist of these conversations were pretty much John noting that he liked the Strobist site, but didn't like the idea of my giving the information away for free.

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