Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Digital Stock... the WSJ checks in

This is a very interesting article at the WSJ. Hopefully some people who should read this will... and it should definitely spark some conversations. It is interesting that finanacial institutions would be so, uh... frugal, no - that's not it... STUPID... yeah, that's it.

The AD's who used the same images from a stock agency that was so lame that they didn't automatically check usage, should be selling fries somewhere.

Every time I used a legit stock agency they would let me know of prior use, or possible conflicts. What this tells me is that these guys either didn't check, didn't care, or used a cheap RF stock house for something as vitally important as these images were.

Simply amazing. Read it now before it gets behind the firewall at the WSJ.
The ad from Key Bank portrayed a heart-warming family moment: a dad pointing out something on his laptop to his smiling young daughter as she leans over his shoulder. In fact, the scene may have been a little too charming. The same image appears in a recent marketing brochure -- from Bank of America.

Both banks say they bought the image from a photo agency that deals in stock pictures, not realizing the other was making the same selection. "We try not to use the same images as other competitors ... if it happened, it happened," says Joan Peloso, marketing services director for Cleveland-based KeyCorp, the bank-based financial services company.

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