Friday, November 17, 2006

Hey, did ya ever...

... want to share something on a website with someone else? Or make a note to yourself when visiting a site? Or make a notation and be able to find that note later - on the site you were looking at?

Yeah - me too. Now comes this cool little tool and it allows you to do just that.

I can make a notation on a page of a website, then share that note with a client or use it for research - all kinds of things. This is the kind of useful web tool that can help you research clients for marketing, make notations on ideas for later and more. I think it is kind of cool. See for more ideas. wants to add a new layer of interactivity to the web. Fleck is inspired on a story written in 1945 by Vannevar Bush and an article titled 'We Are The Web' by Kevin Kelly.

Vannevar Bush predicted a machine called the Memex that would allow people to surf from one information page to another. Some people say that Hypertext and the World Wide Web are based on or at least inspired by the Memex.

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