Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Natural light portrait: Tammy

I threatened to do this, and here it is. This portrait was created when Tammy came to see me about an interview. She is standing in the doorway of my office, under a 3 foot overhang on a warm spring day. The light is simply the open sky behind me and a row of white office buildings across the street. My entry walls are light, slightly warm colored as well, and the bounce in that area is very nice. I maintained a distance and shot with 200mm on my Canon. ISO 400 to make sure that the shutter speed was up a bit for sharpness. I didn't do any custome white balance, just shooting the auto white balance. The warmth of the walls did fine for adding a touch of color.

Post production including slight darkening of the office area behind her and some contrast control to make her pop out a bit more.

Natural light headshots are a favorite of mine, and this shot shows how pretty northlight can be. I recommend working in that lovely north light shadow area with a large sky behind you. If you can find an area that has some white or very light buildings behind you, that can be a wonderful area to shoot some very pretty portraits.

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