I have grown terribly weary of the Google AdWord mess. Yes, mess. Do a search on any term, and you get a list of Google spam pages. You know, those pages that have nothing but links but are really AdSense links.
Some of the biggest companies allow these spammers to co-op their good name. Search for nearly anything and you get listings that say something like "Best Prices on Banana Peels" or some such crap. You know they don’t have it, or carry what you are looking for, they just want you to click on their link so they can get 'traffic'.
I am looking to market my photography seminars outside of the local area, so as I am doing my adword research I find this sorry list of sites that have little to nothing to do with ’photography seminars’, they just want, you know, the traffic. They buy the words and then hope that people will be suckered into clicking the link. Yep, gonna buy me a 'photography workshop' at Amazon, or maybe I should go and bid on one at Ebay, and have it delivered in a couple of weeks.

This is the kind of thing that does not service the web well at all. It is short-sighted, lame and frankly insulting. I will however, click on every one of them when I find ’em. Let them pay for their affront with their cash.
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