Friday, August 24, 2007

Some Things Are Just Too Precious

I wonder if she will give it back.
Tim Blair: "August 18 – the SMH’s Wendy Frew condemns wealth as a cause of global warming: Over-consumption is, literally, costing the earth … Every $100 spent on clothing generates 70 kilograms of greenhouse pollution … One of the main findings of the report, Consuming Australia, is that the more people earn, the more they spend.

August 21 – the SMH’s Wendy Frew wins a big cash prize:"
NAWWWWWWWW.................... That would be, you know, consistent with the crap she writes.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

Actually, I think there is truth in what she says. The more you earn, the more you spend, the moe of the earth's resources you consume. However, I'm sure she accepted the cash prize, despite the irony.