Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Special Place in Hell...

... for people this f***in' arrogant and elitist. Every one of these friggin bureaucrats should be out of a job. Today. Gone. Fini.

Slashdot | Copyright Advocacy Group Violates Copyright: "'Commercial scholarly publishers are beginning to get afraid of the open access movement. They've hired a high-priced consultant to help them sway public opinion in favor of copyright restrictions on taxpayer-funded research. Funny thing is, their own website contains several copyright violations. It seems they pulled their images directly from the Getty Images website — watermarks and all — without paying for their use.'"
They want the public to pay a fee to see material that was paid for by taxpayers. What about that system doesn't make sense to these fools. It was, uh, already PAID for by the public, assholes. I really think it is time for cleanin house in the morally bankrupt elite class. 'Copyright for thee, but not for me.'

Sheesh. You'd think they were congressmen or something.

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