Sunday, September 30, 2007

Jeremy Cowart Photography | News

Nicely done site. All CSS, well designed and very, very modern. Who needs flash when you can get fast, incredibly light sites like this? Well done, Jeremy.
Jeremy Cowart Photography | News: "I used to make websites for a living. This doesn’t feel like we just launched a website. This feels like we just wrapped filming a movie or making a record. Fifteen months ago, I realized I wanted to rethink the photography website, ground-up. So I met with my friend Jeremy Pinnix from and we decided we wanted something fast, all-CSS, easily searchable, extremely organized, content-driven and something that well represented the various genres of photography that I’m interested in. We spent almost a year focusing on functionality before we even got to the design phase. Pinnix spent most of that time planning and building the backend of this site which is just brilliantly easy to use. Then we brought Daniel Box from in to design the interface. I gave him a general photoshop template of how I wanted things to work and he did his design magic… subtle magic but always amazingly and typographically appropriate. Then I got my friend Matt Lehman to do the new logo and Daniel Ariza to help out with additional CSS tweaks and other random things. I can’t brag enough about this team… they are all seriously SO good at what they do. I couldn’t have possibly had more fun working with them all. I know it’s just a website, but we’ve truly put our hearts and hundreds of hours into it. Get used to it, because it"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what would the typical cost be for that sort of setup ?