Friday, December 14, 2007

The little book that could : Heatherington Publishes

I am looking forward to this book. Andrew's work, his attitude about photography, life, art... all make me like the guy. Oh, yeah, I like his pictures too. A lot.

I make his blog a read every time I see a post. Even the ones about all the cool things going on in NY, all the while reminding me of where I live. Oh, well, it's still fun to read and feel a part of. If you aren't familiar with Andrew's work, you should check it all out.

And to the folks who tell me they are too busy to put their book together and finally get it published... bah. This guy is really busy and he got his done.
whats the jackanory ?: The little book that could . . . .:
"So over the summer, for the first time since I started I began to assemble the pictures and I have to say I was quite pleased with the results of all my endeavours. Now time to try and figure out what I was going to do with them. As with anything like this there are a number of usage factors to consider. I want an end result I can use as a promotional piece for existing and potential clients foremost, maybe this has some fine art implications, how can I market it and myself for maximum impact. So I decided to self publish a book, greatly helped of course by the advances in desk top publishing since the ibook came on the scene. I do not have the resources to go and do my own proper print run and to be honest I didn't want to have a finished non adjustable piece after all this is a living project that is still going and being constantly added to. I thought I was done but seeing all the work together I have decided to keep on going to see where all this ends up. So instead I opted to use Blurb to print the book and although there are sacrifices to be made in terms of quality the fact that this book will literally be growing and can grow intrigued me."

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