Wednesday, April 16, 2008

ACME Photography Gettin' Down with an Image Appropriator...

Adam handled this pretty well. Hah. Very well indeed. There are several posts, so go back to the original if you want to see how he handled someone taking his image. Cheers Adam!
ACME Photography | Blog Archive » Kineda Apologizes - Copyright & Fair Use Information: "In reading photographers ranting on forums and message boards, I’m realizing that this is a problem that can only be solved by educating fellow bloggers. Two days ago, I choose to blog about this before I contacted anyone. In fact Terry commented on my blog, sent me an email AND left a voicemail after he was notified by Glam Network of my blog post. It’s great that he was motivated to be proactive.

In the past I’ve emailed websites who infringe and they say, “Ah, sorry, We didn’t know.. but we removed it.” (Or blamed it on an “intern”.) If I were to ask for link credit on an old blog post, how much credit would that be after the post is buried in the archives? I shouldn’t have to blog this stuff every time, and it would could get old, however it is interesting to see the power of blog post, and self journalism."

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