Thursday, April 24, 2008

APE - Photographers Leading The Way

Heh. I hear all the time about how photographers have nothing to write about. All the time. Pushing back on Blogging. Pushing back on web content. Pushing back on anything other than shooting for a dollar.

A Photo Editor - Photographers Leading The Way: "And then on Stephen’s site I discovered that David Allen Harvey is planning a New York to California road trip as a personal project to make a “portrait” of America and he’s invited everyone to help him make it happen. As in, help pay for lunch, gas and finding interesting people to photograph. Genius. You can hang out with David, watch/help him make pictures, learn a thing or two and buy him a turkey sandwich. Then, when it’s all over the people he’s met along the way and all their friends will be standing in line at Amazon to buy the book. Hell, I’d sell the magazine story to the highest bidder, it comes with a built in audience and a blog that gets 100 comments on a slow day."

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