Wednesday, October 01, 2008

File this under "Gotta Get Me One Of These."

Seriously too cool.

Only shoots JPG's, but the damn cool factor is off the charts for me.

Rolleiflex MiniDigi AF5.0: "Rolleiflex MiniDigi AF5.0
Proudly continues the Rollei Twin Lens Reflex Tradition.
If somewhere deep down you have always hankered after a Rollei, you are not alone. First developed in Germany in the 1920's, the Rollei 6x6cm Twin Lens Reflex Camera has always been a preferred tool for serious photography, especially portraits. There cannot be, for example, a single Hollywood celebrity who has not been photographed with a Rollei. Now, many of the outstanding convenience features and nostalgic design can be yours in a fashionable up-to-date digital with auto focus feature to shoot between 4 inches (10cm) to infinity on 5 mega pixel image. The Rolleiflex MiniDigi AF5.0, a world's first in its class.
MiniDigi AF5.0screen MiniDigi AF5.0screen MiniDigi AF5.0screen"

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