Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Be thinking about this: But don't think too hard

I know two companies that are raising prices just a bit. They have a premium product and they are adding some wonderful value-adds and finding some success.
Kausfiles: "An idea so crazy it just might be crazy! Facing an economic slowdown, possible deflation, declining readership and competition that gives away its product for free, the Los Angeles Times raises newsstand prices 50%. .... 12:42 P.M."
I think that cutting prices may not be the best way to move forward. Maybe add some more value, or find a way to deliver what you have in more ways that people want.

But in the case of Old Media... well, they didn't get it, they don't get it, they never will get it... cause they gonna be gone soon.

To think this is a smart move shows how stupid they really are. And to think, Angelinos get their news from these folks. Yeah, I think I'll be checking out their advice for weathering the storm. Better do it soon though, cause they won't be here on the other side.

Point is for photographers and designers... be standing on the other side. Be standing and ready to rock. It will be back and we must be ready - not working at Home Depot with the editors of the LA Times.

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