Friday, January 02, 2009

I have no idea what this means, but shouldn't someone be held accountable?

This is just, well... it is just strange. Stranger yet is that it is reported as some kind of news. How has your life been enhanced by this knowledge? Me? Well, not so much. But then, I am rethinking that whole Grand Canyon trip...
Suicides in national parks increase in 2008 - Yahoo! News: "'It's some place where, toward the end of someone's life, when they're feeling a total sense of despondency, they want to return to a place of natural beauty ... for their final moments,' Suddath said.

Park officials estimate people made more than 274 million visits to the country's 391 national park units last year. The vast majority are intent on seeing breathtaking vistas, wildlife in its natural habitat or places where history was made, such as the Gettysburg battlefield. A troubled few came to end their lives."

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