Saturday, January 31, 2009

Textures from 2experts Design

The use of textures in photography and photographic illustration is getting to be more popular. From blending whole textures to simply using a little in a subtle way, textures can liven up shots in many ways.

Here's a great collection of cardboard textures for download.
2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog: "The cardboard textures effects are a hot trend right now in the Web design. There have been several sites lately that incorporate cardboard texture in the design in some way or another. Adding cardboard texture objects to a design can definitely give it an artistic and realistic appearance when done well.

Here are some of the best cardboard textures that can be found on the web."
Here are more cardboard textures for downloading and using.

Six Revisions has a great collection.

PSD Fan has a tutorial on using cardboard as a design source.

And if you are looking for a cool Wordpress Theme to showcase your cardboard textured images, check out Absynthe. Nice. Very nice.

BittBox has some nice neutral tone textures as well.

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