This post has nothing to do with Marketing or Photography... I am angry, and I posted it. I remember being treated like shit by a few photographers when assisting. I was happy to hear that one of them lost his business, and laughed at a written interview with another as he expounded on his 'love' and 'respect' for humanity and life and - made me want to puke cause I KNOW what this guy is all about. I lived his pathetic, hateful, racist, stupid life for a couple of months. It also contains foul language and a fair amount of pure, clean, loathing.
I really hate hypocrisy. Loathe it. Find people who practice it to be fairly shallow and without any core values. Don't read this and then be offended, cause I have warned you. Got it!
Proof that human vomit can sometimes actually memorize words and do a 10 second scene 30 times so an editor can fix all the fuckups, Christian Bales is a poster child for the devilish problem with massive egos with nothing to back them up. We make heros out of trash like this guy, and then give him a buy. Ask yourself if you had a tape of Bush going off on a cabinet member, or Nancy Pelosi doing this to a page in the House, would you give it a 'buy'? I think not.
But these low-lifes make a movie... a movie... and get the kind of power that lets them rant like this at a subordinate? I for one, will not be seeing this movie, nor any other movie that this egomaniacal asshat ever appears in. I don't give a crap if you do, but I wont.
I would like to say to this puke that I do not accept his apology and wish he would go away. Quietly? Nawwww... not this whining piece of garbage. But we now know EXACTLY what this vermin is made of. Was it a 'very emotional scene?' Who cares... when people are under pressure, they will show you EXACTLY who they are. In this case we have a hack actor with the inability to string together four words without the word 'fuck' in it.
Oprah will have him on and he will LIE and BLOVIATE about how it was this and it was that and he is ashamed. Screw you, batfuck. You are the new poster boy of everything wrong in the pop culture.
This vomitous load of chickenshit didn't:
- Conceive of the movie
- Write it
- Edit it
- Cast it.
- Produce it.
- Design any of the costumes he wears.
- Design any of the costumes anyone wears.
- Design anything
- Create the set design
- Build the set
- Plan for the special effects
- Shoot the camera
- Light the set
- Hang the flags, scrims, snoots and other things that are used to light the shot
- Decide on the angle of the shot
- Compose the shot
- Edit the movie
- Create the special effects
- Create the marketing for this piece of shit film
- Even do his own makeup
Christian Bale goes berserk on 'Terminator: Salvation' set! | The Dish Rag | Los Angeles Times: "It happened after director of photography Shane Hurlbut apparently walked through the set of 'Terminator: Salvation,' distracting the actor in the middle of a big scene.
Christian Bale went off on the DP, calling him every name in the book, trying to get him fired, etc., etc.
It's pretty brutal."
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