1. Personal use only, no commercial application.
2. Please leave the Lighting Essentials logo on them - do not remove the URL please.
3. By downloading you agree to these conditions.
If you want a larger file for any reason, simply send me an email and I'll get you what you need.For HiRes Version, visit: http://wizwow.posterous.com/finals-for-the-photographer-not-terrorist
Don Giannatti: Designer / Photographer / Writer
www.dongiannatti.com / www.lighting-essentials.com / www.learntolight.com / 602 434 1765
www.dongiannatti.com / www.lighting-essentials.com / www.learntolight.com / 602 434 1765
Y! messenger: dgiannatti
Skype: wizwow
AIM: wizwow
Google Talk: don.giannatti

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