Thursday, September 17, 2009

David Hume Kennerly on Newsweeks Photo Use

Another nail in the coffin of MSM. The narrative cannot trump the truth. The narrative cannot exist in the halls of the newsroom or the confidence of the reader will deteriorate at ever increasing rates. Newsweek lost me a long, long time ago. Too bad. They just don't get it.
Essay: Chop and Crop - Lens Blog -

"We photojournalists have a long and storied tradition of striving for objectivity. Many of my colleagues have died flying that banner. I consider myself as much historian as photographer, having spent a 40-year career endeavoring to make photographs that inform, not misinform. My heroes are the likes of Joe Rosenthal, who photographed the Marines raising the flag over Iwo Jima; Eddie Adams, whose photo of a South Vietnamese police officer shooting a Viet Cong suspect changed the course of a war; and countless others who have hung their lives out to capture the facts through the lens of a camera. Their photos have provided a raw and unflinching view of the world and have contributed to a free society’s understanding of sometimes harsh reality.

The advent of digital photography and the proliferation of instant images have dulled the power of historical photos against the steady and relentless 24-hour drumbeat of the “breaking story” syndrome, which holds publications and networks hostage to the relentless demands of feeding the News Monster. It doesn’t help to have the photos misrepresented on top of that."

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