Friday, September 18, 2009

New "Gray Scale" WP Website for Lighting Essentials: Design studies for consideration

We are launching some new WP Theme Websites at Lighting Essentials.

This theme has the home page "New Work" with 10 images but instead of using thumbnails we are using small blocks for navigation.

I am thinking about using the left side as a widget area for recent tweets or facebook entries.

About page will be similar.

The home page and portfolio pages will be using our JQuery gallery, so the whole site will be viewable in iPhones etc...

There is enough text areas on each page to create the powerful SEO that photographers need.

If you are thinking about a new website, you should check out our WordPress based websites with built in blog.

Don Giannatti: Designer / Photographer / Writer / / / 602 434 1765
Chat Y! messenger: dgiannatti Skype: wizwow AIM: wizwow Google Talk: don.giannatti

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from Now This is Cool...

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