Wednesday, February 10, 2010

6 Reasons Crowdsourcing And Spec Work Sucks | Spyre Studios

Heh. Yeah, this whole 'free' thing is working out great for the people who ultimately can pay, but prefer to go the crowd-source/spec route. Just not so good for the, you know, creators.
6 Reasons Crowdsourcing And Spec Work Sucks | Spyre Studios:

"How would you feel if the following email showed up in your inbox:

We’ve got a project for you. Pay is $500-700 depending on scope and requirements, but we’re going to need to use a new payment system. When the project’s finished, we’ll roll two dice. If they add up to 9, you’ll get paid. Otherwise, we’ll discard the design and forget about payment.”

Crowdsourcing isn’t just ineffective and inefficient for businesses, but a near total waste of time for service providers. Sure, if your design is good enough, you’ll end up getting paid for the total projects. However, when you’re competing with 100 other designers, merit becomes less of a factor and taste becomes the determining influence. It’s hard to cater to taste on competition, and most designers end up missing out on payment altogether."

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