Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Why Your Excuses Won't Fly: Photographer or Writer or Designer... Fear Haunts the Space Where Ideas Should Live

12 years ago, I made a conscious choice to allow my fears rental space in my life. They didn’t bust down the door and take control of me. I let them. I handed them the key, opened the door and said, “Come on in, boys! Drinks are on the house!”

The most destructive talent we have is the talent to become afraid of things that won't hurt us. Most fears are irrational and based in a reality that doesn't exist.

Make photographs that are yours to make. To hell with anyone one else. They are probably just as full of fear as you are.

Posted via email from Now This is Cool...

1 comment:

Eric Muetterties said...

Words of Wisdom for any walk of life. Very appropriate for mine right now.