Tuesday, April 03, 2012

"No Pictures Allowed": How markets get it wrong. Telling your customers you think they are thieves may not be a good idea

Apparently, I broke a very strict rule of "no photography" while looking to make my purchases. Do you understand why this rule is in place? I'm going to guess that it's because a competitor can walk into the store, take a picture of a unique piece of furniture and soon be knocking it off? Could there be another reason? Maybe I can price compare? Take that picture over to a competitor and see if they have a similar piece (or the same one) for a lower price? Neither reason seems to make any sense, because the general sentiment of the statement "no photography" screams: "we don't trust you!"

Think about that the next time you see a photographer's website with a long "We gonna hunt you down like a dog" admonition against 'stealing' any images on it.


Of course we don't want copyright theft - and I WILL hunt them down. And I warn against the taking with a simple copyright statement. But having to have someone click an 'I accept" button at the open screen?

Yawn... most of the time the images aren't really worth taking anyway.

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